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When you want your gifts to really matter, there's one gift you can always count on to save the day - it’s the gift you give to AINU. Please make a donation today.

"Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war. It means having the confidence that our children would not die of measles or malaria. It means having access to clean water and proper sanitation. It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge. It means changing the world with children, ensuring their right to participate, and that their views are heard and considered. It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity."


Our Mail Bag contact : P.O. BOX 50032, Luzira, Kampala-Uganda

 Tel : +256-392-964631

Mob : +256-752-843864, 701 551 999.

General Email: africainitiativeneedyuganda@gmail.com,

Volunteer Inquiries: ainuganda@mail.com

Please contact our Overseas Volunteers Representative from South Africa and SADAC Countries who want to Volunteer with us:

Name: Caroline Wairimu Kimaru

Tel:  + 277 69781275

E-mail: caro7kims@yahoo.com

Position: AINU South Africa Volunteer Representative.

Please contact our Overseas Volunteers Representative for Volunteers from Europe and Asia who want to Volunteer with us:

Name: Elisa Ruggeri.

E-mail: elisa.rgg@googlemail.com

Position: AINU Europe Volunteer Representative.

Child Affairs: ainuchildfoundationuganda@aol.com,

Environment Concerns: africainitiativeneedyuganda@yahoo.com