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"Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war. It means having the confidence that our children would not die of measles or malaria. It means having access to clean water and proper sanitation. It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge. It means changing the world with children, ensuring their right to participate, and that their views are heard and considered. It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity."


Volunteer work overseas can be challenging and life-changing if you have the desire to be stretched and to reach out to others from a different culture.

If you are willing and able to live and work overseas,you may be one of those people who can make a difference in this world through learning, teaching, and building relationships cross-culturally.
Much of the work related to education like teaching in schools, water, sanitation, and hygiene, environment conservation awareness campaign and rural micro-finance projects.

There are many ways to hook up with our projects. The general pattern for becoming involved seems to be:

1) contact us,
2) to see what kind of programs we offer, and find where you fit best in our program,
3) apply to be a volunteer,
4) undergo some kind of screening or interview,
5) upon acceptance, participate in any training or preparation they may offer,
6) raise funds and gather finances for an upcoming opportunity,
7) go, and do what you were called to do!

You may or may not have to go through all these steps in acquiring volunteer work overseas, but by and large, you have to seek out the organization and do your homework concerning which ones would be best for you.

There will be a selection process of some kind. You will need some kind of preparation, whether it is simply an informal orientation or more formal technical or cross-cultural training.

You will probably be raising your own funds for your experience.

Volunteer work overseas is about giving. It is about sacrifice. But it is also about enrichment and deep fulfillment when it is something you feel you were put on this earth to do.
Chances are that you would not get into this process and stick with it if you did not feel that sense of purpose and calling.

We can help you find people and places that NEED YOU. Many local organizations need help often and regularly.
Not everyone wants to do volunteer work overseas in Africa . You can find a place to help and someone who needs you and the special gifts and talents you possess, right outside your door, in your own community.

We must always remember, however, that our purposes in going and helping, wherever it might be, are to be a blessing and a benefit to others and not just to enrich ourselves. It’s not really about me. It's about the need and about making a difference in the lives of others.

It’s not really about the thrills I get from traveling, working, or living in another country, or even about the wonderful relationships that I develop with the people that I meet, or the good feeling I get from giving of myself. All those things are all great.

We are real and awesome and we provide much of the motivation, thrill, and joy I get out of doing the hard work of sacrificing, laboring and volunteering.

Our focus in going must always be on those we have been sent to serve and to work with.
If, at the last minute, it turns out that our help is not needed, that’s just the way it goes. If the project requires us to do things we never planned nor wanted to do, well, that's life.

In fact, that is often what happens on trips like this. Things rarely go as planned and flexibility and a sense of humor go a long way. After all, it’s about what they need and not about what we need.

So “going” requires that we keep our hearts and minds open to being givers and not just getters. No doubt, you will be blessed. You can’t go through an experience like that and not come out “changed”.