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"Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war. It means having the confidence that our children would not die of measles or malaria. It means having access to clean water and proper sanitation. It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge. It means changing the world with children, ensuring their right to participate, and that their views are heard and considered. It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity."



To have a well organized and vibrant rural/ urban community, with the capacity to advocate for their concerns, needs, interests and rights towards sustainable development.


AINU’s mission is to work towards ensuring the rural grass-roots marginalized and the most vulnerable affected by war, poverty, disease, discrimination, tortured have access to best health care, fundamental human rights education, fight and prevent drug abuse and illicit trafficking among the youth, access to safe and clean water, sanitation, adequate shelter, right to food and working with the community to bring about transformation development and poverty eradication.     
- To prevent drug abuse, use and illicit trafficking among the youth.
- To Prevent Maternal Deaths through Maternal Health Improvement Projects
- To prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and its mitigation effects.
- To improve agricultural production through availing the necessary resources.
- To mobilise and organise rural communities into community-based organisations and build their capacity to undertake and participate in natural resources managements and development processes.
- To mobilise resources and facilities from key stakeholders, government and donors so as to implement desirable community programmes.
- To stimulate, promote and support economic activities in the rural communities that improve the well-being and quality of life of disadvantaged groups, rural women, rural youth and other marginalized groups.
- To advocate and lobby government and other development partners to formulate and implement policies and programmes that are relevant supportive and address the multifaceted concerns, needs and interests of the rural communities.
- To build and strengthen strategic alliances and networks for joint efforts to maximise change.
- To tackle the social aspects of life that limits the community development especially the HIV/AIDS pandemic, poor sanitation and health related issues in general, in the rural communities.
- To identify critical gaps in policy areas and facilitate participation in activities that foster understanding of all aspects of human rights issues, peace, unity and solidarity in the grass root communities for national development.
- To build and strengthen the capacity of community institutions such as community-based organisations in order to improve on management and planning at local level.
- To establish links with rural women groups with the view to assisting them in developing initiatives that secure sustainable livelihood and ensure food security and creation of Income-Generating Activities (IGAs).
- To create and provide chances for employment opportunities of the people.
- To help the orphans and other vulnerable children in education and other material support.
- Setting up and managing and implementation of social development projects and programmes including health, education, training and public utilities.
- Assist in implementing any community initiated HIV/AIDS programmes.
- Contributing towards education of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
- Sensitizing communities about HIV/AIDS prevention and care for PLWHAs
- Promoting environmental programmes and proper sanitation for the target area.
- Networking with organization and agencies with similar aims and objectives both locally and internationally
- Promoting group work among women groups.
- Promoting computer skills as part of the necessary Information Technology to the community.
- Promoting the well being of disabled people.
- To increase household incomes through improved food production practices and promotes sustainable use of natural resources in our areas of operation.